Office Address

  • 8 St Sebastian Dr Wendywood, Sandton, 2148, South Africa
  • 011 656 2899

Relationship/Couple Counselling

Couple’s counseling is a form of psychotherapy that can assist partners to improve their relationships.

What Couple Counseling Can Assist With:

  • ✓ Examining the dynamics that govern the relationship.
  • ✓ Promote an open dialogue and transparency regarding finances.
  • ✓ Aligning beliefs and values.
  • ✓ Work out issues relating to other family members.
  • ✓ Safe space to work out issues pertaining to intimacy.
  • ✓ Addressing and facilitating the process of recovery from affairs and infidelity.


Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT)

Imago focuses on childhood experiences that might impact the relationships you form as an adult. The Imago principles conclude that conflict is not the result of a lack of harmony, but rather it stems from certain circumstances stemming from childhood.

Often, there is likely to be a connection between the frustrations that stem from adult relationships as well as early childhood experiences. Feelings of abandonment, neglect or suppression will often arise within a committed relationship. When these “core issues” occur repeatedly with a partner, they tend to overshadow the positive aspects of a relationship and may leave one feeling overwhelmed, wondering whether they have made the correct decision in choosing a life partner.

Getting the love you want, and keeping the love you find and connecting securely and deeply with your partner are the goals of Imago Relationship Therapy. Communicating effectively with your partner is key to maintaining a long and rewarding relationship. By utilizing Imago Relationship Therapy, couples can better understand one another’s feelings and ‘childhood wounds’ in a more empathetic manner, thus allowing the individuals to health themselves and their relationships and ultimately find their way to a more ‘conscious relationship’.

Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT)

Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) is a humanistic, evidence-based psychotherapy that focuses on exploring and processing emotions to promote healing and personal growth. It draws primarily from attachment theory to facilitate the creation of secure, vibrant connection with self and others. Rooted in the science of emotions and attachment, EFT helps clients identify and transform the negative processing and interaction patterns that create distress.

It’s effective in treating individuals, couples and families, addressing a wide range of issues from marital distress to individual anxiety and trauma (including effects of trauma).

Key principles and techniques of EFT include:

  • ✓ Emotion as a Primary Focus.
  • ✓ Emotional Awareness and Regulation.
  • ✓ Identification of Underlying Emotion and Core Issues.
  • ✓ Transformation of Emotions.
  • ✓ Process-Experiential Approach.
  • ✓ Change through Experiential Techniques.
  • ✓ Integration of Cognition and Emotion.